Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Properly Store Your Harley Davidson Motorcycle

There are plenty of reasons why you need to store your Harley Davidson motorcycle. It could be because of winter, maybe it needs repairs and work done or perhaps you aren’t going to ride for a while and you want it protected from the elements. Whatever the reason you want to make sure that it is stored properly to protect it and maintain its quality. Here are a few tips for what you can do to make sure that your Harley is safe during the winter or any other time it needs to be put into storage:

1.       Scrub and wash: Never, no matter how tempting it is do you want to store a dirty bike. That just creates problems in the long run as it can cause your paint job to corrode and can even have a long term effect on certain parts. Also make sure that you dry it thoroughly as well.

2.       Lube, Oil and Change: This won’t be a fun task but you should change out the filters, oil and make sure that you lube all moving parts. Letting bad oil and filters sit as well as not lubing moveable parts can lead to rust, moisture getting into the engine or other issues.

3.       Gas Tank Preparations: Fill your gas tank up and use a fuel stabilizer to keep the gas tank from forming moisture and damaging the fuel pump. Several times stored bikes will have their pumps actually crack and break causing them to leak which can do serious damage to a bike if it sits for a long period of time. You also want to make sure that you have plenty of anti-freeze in your coolant system. You do not want water freezing in your bike because it will cause cracking when it begins to thaw.

4.       Tires: When tires sit in the same position for long periods of time they develop flat spots. If you can keep the tires off of the ground while in storage it will prevent this from happening. Motorcycle stands are affordable and easy to get. If you cannot get them then perhaps put down some carpet or something that will keep them from sitting directly on concrete.

5.       Put a lid on it: Pipes, filters and anywhere else that is accessible can become home to some unwanted guests. Plug or cover up where you need to in order to prevent this from happening. This does not include covering up your bike. Putting a simple cover on it is important to keep dust off the paint and parts but do not think that a simple cover alone will protect it.

Obviously there are a few tips you don’t have to follow if you aren’t storing the motorcycle over the winter or it doesn’t get extremely cold where you live. However, no matter where you are you want to make sure that you store your Harley in a spot that is well protected from the elements as well as out of the way. For example, if you are putting it in the garage make sure it is not in the center as it could be in the way of cars coming in and out. The less you have to move a motorcycle in storage the better because you run the risk of it falling over or a mistake occurring.

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